Every student experiences pressure over exam periods or regular classes for all those achievers out there. It is due to these pressure, be it peer pressure, expectations, and etc, that one loses concentration and eventually, interest. We find it hard to make ourselves remember past lessons and important notes. Sometimes, (and it’s based from my personal experience) we study too hard that the information we need to remember just keeps on slipping away. It’s like having a short-term memory wherein the brain gets confuse as to where the information should be kept.  I’m sure everyone experienced this too one way or another. Remembering something, forcing yourself to remember something rather just to forget about it in the moment where you need it the most, which is exam period, is utterly frustrating right? Don’t be too hard on yourself. Here are some ways that will help you overcome the pressure of studying.

  1. Organize your things


Think of it this way, your surroundings reflect your mind. When it is in disarray, the mind gets distracted and information gathering becomes impossible. Also, when your things are in order, the materials you need for studying will be readily available to you that eventually decreases the possibility of being distracted.

  1. Make sure you’re comfortable


In studying, it is crucial that you do not feel any discomfort because discomfort will be your greatest distraction. Make sure that you have enough space for textbook, notebooks, pens and etc. It is important that you ensure that your chair is comfortable, games and computer should be out of sight and more importantly, make sure that you are well fed.

  1. Allocate enough time for studying


Avoid procrastinating. Don’t leave your studies until the last minute. Do your homework within the day. I suggest that you do your homework in school so you can allocate more time for studying advance materials later on.  It is a known fact that students thrive on the last-minute cramming but we all know it is not the best way to study for exams right? To help you with your time management, it is best to make a timetable or an organizer. Write down the schedule of your exams and study them accordingly.

  1. Use colorful diagrams and flow charts


Visual aids are a great help especially when it comes to memorizing terms and dates. To make it more memorable, use a different colored pens or highlighters in drawing your flow chart or diagrams.

  1. Practice past Quizzes or Exams


This is one of the most effective and helpful way in studying for an exam. By practicing past versions of a topic, you will learn key points which are likely to appear at the coming exams. It is common for exams to repeat questions that came from past quizzes.

  1. Join a group study


Gather friends or classmates that studies the same materials as you and create a study sessions. It is effective in studying because you can share and gather information from other people that you sometimes missed while studying alone.

  1. Rest

Studying too hard is stressful so it’s important that you take a break regularly to avoid exhaustion and loss of interest.

  1. Eat snacks


To keep your energy in check, make sure that you have some snacks while studying. I advise some chocolates or anything sweet because it helps in keeping the mind active. It is scientifically proven that chewing a certain flavored gum while studying and chewing the same flavor during the exam will help trigger your memory.

  1. Drink plenty of water


Make sure to be hydrated for your brain to work especially on the day of the exam to help you retain what you studied.

  1. Prepare for the exam


As a final tip, make sure that you have everything ready two days before the day of the exam.  Check all the necessary materials to bring. Make a checklist so it is easier for you to prepare the materials needed for the exam.

